Friday, June 16, 2006

Pug The Comic Book

I have been working on this fucking thing since 2002, so I figure that I better put something out and clear my head of one less thing. Oh yeah, I I have other shit I am working on, so I am spreading myself out too thin... YAY!!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Haven't Been Here In Ever!!!

Well, what can I say... I've been preoccupied with so much in the last year, including posting at another blog altogether (My Space) Anyhow, I may as well update this thing. What have I been up to since I last posted here? Well... I have had a couple of jobs in the past year, I have dated a few people in the past year, and I have finally just now (the past week) finished a few songs I have been working on with the Acid 4.0 program. Anyway, what I have been up to most recently is, working a new job. I work for Cascadia Behavior Health, as a residental counsoler. The pay is okay, but it's better than any other job I've had for the past few years. I am finally finishing up school, and I am so very tired right now. I suppose I should mention that I haven't drank, smoked in the past few months. I haven't even had coffee in the past couple of weeks. Not to say that I won't down the line, but I am doing fine with out the vices in my life.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

My Goodness...

Well, here I am alone and jobless. Am I down? Not really. I had been, but not right now. I have a grand plan which calls for me to get rid of most of my shit (my beloved DVD's and CD's) And anything else that I don't really need to survive. I saw this sweet camera for $250. Anyhow, I need to go... PEACE!!!

EDIT: I did buy that camera.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Two Shorts

Making Friends and Take Out. I'll be filming these in the near future. Take Out will be the easier of the two, and may do it this weekend. Making Friends will be a bit more involved, I need to use a bar and cast some people. It's been a trying time for me, and I don't see myself improving my money situation anytime soon. I just need faith... I'm lacking of it at the moment.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

One Other Person

From Kevin Smith's mouth (via the Clerks special edition 3 disc set)

He had mentioned that all he had was one person who truely promoted him, his long time producer Scott Mosier. Even his family and his close friends didn't take him to heart. Though this was profound enough for me to keep going, not that I wasn't. I'm stuck on Polyglot, but now I'm thinking of adding more to Red Curry #6. I still need to catch up on bills and what not - PEACE

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Moving On Reluctently

I had been hoping to work with people for "Red Curry" but this proves much harder than expected. I pretty much wrote off my original choice for editor, which is a shame... he would have been great. I had someone else that I thought would be into it almost as much as I am, though her priorities are else where, which I of course don't fault her for, though I need to find people who will be a tad bit more supportive, and should at least read the fucking script. I am showing someone else the script today, but I'm thinking of checking out the film center and find people there. I suppose I'm starting to feel more lonely as of late, though not much I can do about that. Things will happen when they do, if they do. I'm changing the title of this blog hopefully I can change the address to, though maybe not. - A

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Finally, Feedback!

I had been waiting for some feed back for sometime, and I finally got some and good for the most part. This only makes me more inspired. I've been listening to the DJ Dangermouse/Jay-Z mix of "The Gray Album", it's Jay-Z's Black Album mixed with The Beatles' "White Album." It seems to be the only thing I've been listening too lately. Anyhow, I have another Idea for a short film... more on this later.